Have you ever wondered why pistachio nuts are green inside? It’s because they contain chlorophyll, the same component found in leafy greens. Goodly green chlorophyll is what helps plants get energy from the sun, which in turn helps them grow and become yummy food for us. So when your family rebels against eating their veggies, […]
I’ve had vegan cheesecake before and absolutely loved it. The sweetness. The creamy, satisfying mouth-feel. The sweetness. The toothsome crust. Did I mention the sweetness? But oh, the sugar. I’m really, really, really trying to watch my processed sugar intake. But my sweet tooth won’t hear of not having a variety of summer dessert options. […]
Walnuts don’t stick around long at our house. Sometimes I have to hide them from certain sneaky snackers in order to have enough on hand for a recipe. But as snacks go, walnuts are one of the healthiest choices; protein-rich and with the highest amount of Omega-3 fatty acids (plant-based, the kind that’s ready to […]
Every June when the stone fruits ripen, I get so excited, I tend to over-buy at the farmer’s market. The result is, we now have a fridge full of colorful berries and all manner of ready-to-eat peaches, plums, pluots, apricots and nectarines. I could freeze much of it for yummy smoothies, but…there’s also that leftover […]
What’s your favorite thing for breakfast? Mine is some kind of waffle or pancake with bananas mixed in. It smells so good when those bananas heat up, I just can’t wait to dig in. And in recent years I’ve added to the nutrition and taste with Maisie Jane’s Almond Butter heated and drizzled on top. […]
Today’s recipe was created by Tina Haupert, for the Almond Board of California. The reason it caught my eye is because when I went low carb and gluten-free a few years ago I really enjoyed some of the recipes I tried using almond flour and I really love brownies. I don’t know if you could […]
Have you ever checked out the wonderful selection of flavored almonds that Maisie Jane’s carries? So many delicious choices! I usually think of them as the perfect snack but, honestly, I’d be neglecting my duties to never tell you about how to use them to turn a humdrum recipe into something special. And today’s recipe […]
Today’s recipe comes courtesy of our friends at Blissful Basil, the place to go for wonderful, healthy, plant-based recipes! I got a kick out of her reason for not including this recipe in her cookbook: “Does the world really need another chocolate chip cookie recipe?” Well, maybe not, but a vegan almond butter chocolate chip cookie? Sure! […]
Blondies were a childhood favorite of mine. I was one of those weird kids who preferred them to brownies! And I especially loved it when I got to help make them and added whatever fun ingredients we had in the house. These days I prefer healthier additions than I would have chosen back then—there are […]
Okay, we’ve all been binging on carbs and Tiger King for awhile now. I don’t know about you but for me, it’s a beautiful day and it’s time to get off the couch! I need a little fresh air and sunshine—at a safe social distance—and something healthier to eat! And whenever I think of “healthier […]