It’s cookie baking season! Could it really be holiday time without homemade cookies? But what about the gluten-free people and vegans on your list? Well, have no fear, Maisie Jane’s is here! Today’s recipe is sure to satisfy the chocolate lovers in your family but it uses almond flour instead of wheat so it is […]
Can you imagine the holiday season without chocolate? I can’t! That’s why I’m excited to announce Maisie Jane’s Chocolate December Sale! 15% off all your favorite chocolate nuts, now through December 31st. But get them NOW because you’re going to want these in holiday stockings and heaped around the house for holiday parties and snacking. What’s […]
The other night as I was adding our Maisie Jane’s Smooth Almond Butter to sliced cooked bananas and mangos, I found myself wondering “should I add a little chile pepper to this or a sweet spice like nutmeg or cinnamon?” I went for the chile pepper—it was awesome and went perfectly with a little yogurt […]
The first time I saw a cashew growing in a garden beside the side of a road in Hawaii, I stopped dead in my tracks. “What on Earth is that crazy looking thing?!!!” There on a very handsome looking tree were bright red and yellow bell-shaped fruits with a bulging curved “bell clapper” like […]
This morning as I sat eating breakfast next to a wonderful Crepe Myrtle tree in full flower and buzzing with bees, I realized that a person could find it hard to believe that bees might be an endangered species. After all, I reported here myself last March about how Colony Collapse Disorder in honey bees […]
We’re so excited—it’s almond harvest season! And that means shaking the trees with our mechanical tree shakers – and kids having fun in the orchard while they fall all around. And the fun (and hard work) has only just begun. After the nuts are all on the ground, a sweeper will come through and sweep […]
There once was a time when organic food was the same as “food.” Nowadays, the label “organic” is a special one. It requires USDA certification and strict adherence to not only sustainable organic farming practices but also regulates how a product is produced and stored. Products labeled “100% Organic” cannot be made or allowed to […]
Well, the first thing I can’t seem to help myself from saying is that it is far better to dry roast nuts than human beings! I’m roasting in my house as I’m writing this blog post tonight! It’s 8:30 pm and still 96ºF! Of course, that’s an improvement over the 106º we hit earlier in […]
What’s your favorite ice cream flavor? I have too many favorites to really choose just one but pistachio is always close to the top of my list! When I was young pistachios were considered a special treat. Because it takes several years for a pistachio tree to bear fruit, they produce well only every other […]
The temperatures have soared into the triple digits here in Chico, as it does every summer. That means it’s homemade popsicle time! I discovered how easy it is to make homemade popsicles last year when I came across some popsicle molds at the local Dollar store. Puree your favorite fruits, add yogurt, coconut milk or […]