It’s Nutritious and Delicious! Need a recipe that’s fast and easy? Want a healthy side dish for any meal or occasion? This recipe by A Beautiful Plate will satisfy both of those needs in only 20 minutes. We use common ingredients you most likely have in your kitchen, and of course our Maisie Janes nuts, […]
Craving some savory comfort food? We’ve got you covered! Out of all the things you thought you could do with almond butter, we bet pasta sauce was not on the list. Little did you know- you’re missing out! This sauce isn’t just for pasta. It […]
It’s the end of September and we all know what that means…fall is officially here! We love fall not only because it means harvest time, but also sweaters, crunchy leaves, crisp air, and all the wonderful autumn recipes our hearts desire. Even better, almonds go with just about any fall recipe in our humble opinion. […]
Snack time is a given at Maisie Jane’s. It’s one of the perks of the job! We’re always coming up with new ways to enjoy our dried fruits, nut butters and natural nuts at break time and we love to share our ideas with you. Our team mate Cari came up with this one. We […]
With summer coming to a close, it’s almost time for people around the world to celebrate Rosh Hashanah, the first day of the Jewish new year. It’s a holiday marked by special prayers, family gatherings, festive meals and—yum!—sweet foods like eggy challah bread and apples dipped in honey. Nuts and fruits are nearly always present […]
Maisie Jane’s has become famous for our popular line of natural and organic one-ingredient nut butters. One ingredient! 100% dry-roasted almonds or cashews, unadulterated by added oil, sugar or what on earth is that ingredients. They’re pure, straight forward, nutritious bliss and, maybe, you can’t get better than that! But once in awhile we like […]
Is “Organic” just a buzzword to make more money? Well, it is a healthy way to make a living but it’s healthy in many more ways than one! It’s healthier for the planet, it’s healthier for the local environment, it’s healthier for one and all. And it’s healthy in ways you might not expect. The […]
Meet one of our biggest business partners: the honeybees! The importance of bees for almonds is so valuable that the relationships between almond growers and the beekeepers we work with go back for years. Almonds, like many crops, are not self-pollinating. So between January and March we depend on bees coming into our orchards to do […]
Did you know that an acre of almond trees grows 450 pounds of protein and 260 pounds of fiber and the “good” monounsaturated fats that helps keep your heart healthy? But the trees don’t only have healthy food value—they can have health benefits for the environment as well. In fact, a well-managed almond orchard could […]
Did you know that for every pound of almonds produced we’re also left with two pounds of almond hulls? That adds up to about 40,000 tons produced in California each year—an enormous amount of potential debris! Luckily, there are many uses for almond hulls. For example, ground hulls are rich in sugar, nutritious minerals and […]