We Are Nuts About Nuts!

In case you didn’t know, we are nuts about nuts. We mean it! It doesn’t stop at almonds, or cashews, or walnuts. Have you ever been in a “snacky” mood and sat down with a bag of pistachios? before you know it, theres a larger pile of shells than the bag itself! You keep saying […]

Posted on May 26th, 2021

Blossom Season Is Here!

As you may have noticed driving around Chico or the surrounding areas, everything is a’bloom! It’s our favorite time of year.  Almond blossoms come from the deciduous tree in the rose family known as Prunus dulcis. They are relatives of the apricot, cherry, peach and plum families.  Our trees will keep producing blossoms until about mid-end […]

Posted on February 20th, 2021

How to Make Your Own Almond Milk

Hello 2021! We have completed our first week of 2021, which means a lot of you have finished your first week of New Year resolutions! It’s a well known fact that at the top of the resolutions list is usually health and fitness goals. No matter what kind of a health goal you’ve set for […]

Posted on January 11th, 2021

Health Benefits Of Almonds

We know they’re delicious, but what makes them nutritious? When you give the gift of Maisie Janes almonds, you’re actually giving the gift of a healthy snack that is loaded with amazing nutrients. Honestly, the health benefits are endless, not to mention you only need a small handful of those babies to satisfy the hunger […]

Posted on October 30th, 2020

From the Shakin’ to the Makin’!

00 What happens when the almonds leave the orchard? We talked about the shaking and drying process in our last blog post, but what happens now that the nuts are all toasty from the sun?  Our almonds have been drying for 1-2 weeks in their windrows and are now ready to be taken to our […]

Posted on September 24th, 2020

It’s Almond Harvest Time!

It’s happy harvest season here at Maisie Jane’s orchards…and there’s a whole lot o’ shakin’ goin’ on. Check out these Instagram videos of what’s happening right now. No, that’s not a tornado…it’s a shaker! We use two kinds: one is a mono boom shaker, which shakes one tree at a time from the front, as […]

Posted on September 4th, 2020

Snack on Almonds to Relieve Stress

The results are in: replacing typical snacks with almonds can result in better overall heart function in times of stress. This is great news! With many of us working at home, and having kids at home all day while worrying about viruses, hurricanes and fires…we’re stressed and snacking more than ever! It’s so tempting to […]

Posted on August 31st, 2020

The Harvest Is Coming!

Look at these sweet little nut-buds. The openings, called hull splits, ensure that these will become actual edible almonds very soon. Hull splits are the opening of the almond husks that allow the nut meats to finish developing and dry. Specifically, for all you nut nerds (we resemble that remark): according to The Almond Doctor, […]

Posted on July 24th, 2020

Why Squirrels Are Nuts About Nuts…and Other Nutty Fun Facts

At my home, we have—well, I won’t call it an infestation of squirrels, but many uninvited furry guests. They’re cute and entertaining, but they don’t clean up after themselves, and my potted deck garden is where they like to live it up. Which got me wondering about why squirrels are as nutty for nuts as […]

Posted on July 14th, 2020

The Universe Smells Like Burnt Almonds

You never know what strange things you will find on a waltz around the Internet. Today, in search of a blog post idea I thought that today’s topic was starting out to be quite the mystery. So I typed “mystery” and “almonds” into Google to see what would come up. Boy, was that a ride! […]

Posted on May 14th, 2020