The Nut Blog

Snack on Almonds to Relieve Stress

The results are in: replacing typical snacks with almonds can result in better overall heart function in times of stress. This is great news! With many of us working at home, and having kids at home all day while worrying about viruses, hurricanes and fires…we’re stressed and snacking more than ever! It’s so tempting to […]

Posted on August 31st, 2020

Arugula Salad with Quinoa, Almonds, Apricot & Avocado

The Love & Lemons website is one of my favorite go-to resources for plant-based recipes and food guidance. The recipes are so clearly written and accompanied by delectable photos. Bestselling authors Jeanine and Jack often include nuts in their innovative recipes. I suggest you subscribe to their site and buy their new cookbook too, which includes […]

Posted on August 27th, 2020

Wildfires, Agriculture and Water Wisdom

What you’ve heard on the news this week is true: California is burning again. Historically high temperatures along with lightning strikes (rare for us in NorCal) have created chaotic conditions. Thankfully, the 34 Butte County Lightning Complex fires are being contained as of this writing and pose no threat to the community. So we at […]

Posted on August 25th, 2020

It’s Official: We Refuse to Cook Breakfast This Week

There was a time when my friends back east used to ask me, “So, how’s sunny California?” And I’d reply, “I have no idea. I don’t live there.” My home is actually in a coastal fog belt. Usually I’m freezing in the summertime.  Ah, for the good old days of 50-degree mornings. These past few […]

Posted on August 20th, 2020

A “Souper” End of Summer Meal: Almond Gazpacho

Three digits in the valley today, sigh. But soup is still on the menu. Heirloom tomatoes are now in season and I can’t stop buying or eating them! When they get too soft to slice, I make gazpacho, the Spanish cold soup that’s like a salad in the blender, but better. The addition of ground Maisie […]

Posted on August 17th, 2020

Three Ingredient Sicilian Almond Granita

Here in California, it’s still sunny and hot in the valley where our almonds grow. Our warm nights have put me in mind of the wonderful frozen desserts I sampled during my travels through Italy, when I was young and could eat whatever—and as much of whatever—I wanted. Grainy granita, rich gelato, fruity sorbetto…molto bene! […]

Posted on August 13th, 2020

From Yuck! to YUM! with Nut Butters

We all say want to eat better. More fiber, more vitamins and minerals, fewer simple carbs and processed foods. But…some of us just don’t dig green veggies. The struggle has been real, until now. Because there are so many amazing things you can do with Maisie Jane’s Nut Butters that taste great and are good […]

Posted on August 10th, 2020

Farm to Table, Now More Than Ever

  Once upon a time, I was a youngster growing up in Brooklyn, New York, in a neighborhood dominated by apartment houses, asphalt and concrete. As such, I never thought about how we got food (other than going to the supermarket), or what food looked like in its natural state. As far as I knew, […]

Posted on August 6th, 2020

Certified Kosher? What’s That?

With summer coming to a close, it’s almost time for people around the world to celebrate Rosh Hashanah, the first day of the Jewish new year. It’s a holiday marked by special prayers, family gatherings, festive meals and—yum!—sweet foods like eggy challah bread and apples dipped in honey. Nuts and fruits are nearly always present […]

Posted on August 4th, 2020

HOT Summer Sale Alert!

For your summer snack attacks, fun family gatherings or houseguest gifts, Maisie Jane’s is having a SALE! Show your gratitude to your sister-in-law for her hospitality and the use of her cool pool with beautifully packaged nom-noms everyone will appreciate. Put a stop to “Are we there yet?” syndrome with some healthy road trip snacks […]

Posted on July 31st, 2020