Vitamin E, zinc, riboflavin, niacin, copper, linoleic acid. They’re good for our overall health, but did you know they are also great when applied directly to your skin? Now you can eat your almonds and treat your skin to them too! Finally getting some time out in in the sun? Whether you’re playing in the […]
Look at these sweet little nut-buds. The openings, called hull splits, ensure that these will become actual edible almonds very soon. Hull splits are the opening of the almond husks that allow the nut meats to finish developing and dry. Specifically, for all you nut nerds (we resemble that remark): according to The Almond Doctor, […]
Have you ever wondered why pistachio nuts are green inside? It’s because they contain chlorophyll, the same component found in leafy greens. Goodly green chlorophyll is what helps plants get energy from the sun, which in turn helps them grow and become yummy food for us. So when your family rebels against eating their veggies, […]
I love to make my own trail mix. There’s nothing wrong with store-bought trail mix, except…there’s often just one ingredient in the mix that doesn’t agree with me or that I don’t truly love. And I know from working with kids over the years (and from being one) that they can be allergic to all […]
At my home, we have—well, I won’t call it an infestation of squirrels, but many uninvited furry guests. They’re cute and entertaining, but they don’t clean up after themselves, and my potted deck garden is where they like to live it up. Which got me wondering about why squirrels are as nutty for nuts as […]
I’ve had vegan cheesecake before and absolutely loved it. The sweetness. The creamy, satisfying mouth-feel. The sweetness. The toothsome crust. Did I mention the sweetness? But oh, the sugar. I’m really, really, really trying to watch my processed sugar intake. But my sweet tooth won’t hear of not having a variety of summer dessert options. […]
Walnuts don’t stick around long at our house. Sometimes I have to hide them from certain sneaky snackers in order to have enough on hand for a recipe. But as snacks go, walnuts are one of the healthiest choices; protein-rich and with the highest amount of Omega-3 fatty acids (plant-based, the kind that’s ready to […]
Family farms are so important! In fact, according to the National Institute of Food and Agriculture of the USDA, more than 90% of farms in the U.S. are classified as small family farms. That’s a lot of family love grown into our food supply. But due to factors that include climate change, giant agribusiness and […]
Every June when the stone fruits ripen, I get so excited, I tend to over-buy at the farmer’s market. The result is, we now have a fridge full of colorful berries and all manner of ready-to-eat peaches, plums, pluots, apricots and nectarines. I could freeze much of it for yummy smoothies, but…there’s also that leftover […]
Did you know that you can buy many of the wonderful locally made gourmet foodie treats we have at our country store in Chico, CA online? The Covid-19 pandemic forced us to put our country store items online for the first time and we’re glad we did. Apparently, people now think that shopping over the […]