The Nut Blog

Want to Improve Your Mood? Eat More Nuts!

Woman in a Good Mood

Followers of this blog know by now that nuts can be a wonderful part of a healthy diet for physical reasons. They are full of protein and lots of good nutrients and, when eaten in moderation, studies have shown that they can help lower your risk of heart disease, help control diabetes, lower your bad […]

Posted on September 27th, 2018

Are You Eating a Nut or a Seed?

Nuts and Seeds

Or could it be both? It turns out that nuts are seeds but not all seeds are nuts. And then there are foods we popularly call nuts that might technically be considered fruit! AND there are nut-like seeds found inside some fruits that are botanically called something else altogether: drupes! It’s all so confusing. I […]

Posted on September 25th, 2018

Make Your Own Almond Biscotti

Almond Biscotti

Is there any tradition more delightful than enjoying a lovely espresso coffee drink served with a crunchy almond biscotti? I don’t think so! Biscotti, also known as cantucci, are twice-baked Italian almond biscuits invented by pastry chef Antonio Mattei in the nineteenth century. His original recipe used no form of yeast or fat but today most biscotti recipes […]

Posted on September 20th, 2018

Back to School with Snack Packs from Maisie Jane’s!

Maisie Jane's Snack Packs

What’s the healthiest way to send your kids to school? With healthy snacks from Maisie Jane’s, of course! Our four delicious new snack pack choices will help your children keep their blood sugar and energy levels stable all day long. And they provide real nutrition —lots of protein, healthy fats, lots of vitamins and minerals —that […]

Posted on September 18th, 2018

Why Squirrels Gathering Nuts Might Predict the Weather

Squirrel Eating A nut

The squirrels in my backyard are gathering nuts like crazy. And that’s VERY fun to watch because our local squirrels are very smart and cunning! You see, the squirrels in my neighborhood like to go from yard to yard by traveling on the rail just below the top of the fence line where they can’t […]

Posted on September 14th, 2018

Why Are Nuts Good for Your Heart?

Heart Healthy Snack Foods with Almonds

Here at Maisie Jane’s we like to say that almonds and other nuts are part of a heart-healthy lifestyle. Studies have shown that just a 1 oz increase in intake of almonds per day led to a 3.5 percent reduction in the estimated 10-year risk of heart disease. But WHY are nuts good for your heart? […]

Posted on September 11th, 2018

Quotes About Farming and Farm Life

Quote About Farming

Farming is hard work, good work, important work. Today’s blog post is a celebration of farming and what we love about it. “This land pulses with life. It breathes in me; it breathes around me; it breathes in spite of me. When I walk on this land, I am walking on the heartbeat of the […]

Posted on September 6th, 2018

Creamy Vegan Almond Pesto and Ways to Use it

Vegan Almond Pesto

It’s almond pesto season! Well, it has been for awhile but I just woke up to the fact that I’ve been missing out on one of my favorite things to eat in the summer and there’s still time to remedy that! If you have a nice crop of basil or spinach threatening to go to […]

Posted on September 4th, 2018

The Wonderful Weird and Delicious Cashew

  The first time I saw a cashew growing in a garden beside the side of a road in Hawaii, I stopped dead in my tracks. “What on Earth is that crazy looking thing?!!!” There on a very handsome looking tree were bright red and yellow bell-shaped fruits with a bulging curved “bell clapper” like […]

Posted on August 30th, 2018

What Would Happen If We Lost the Bees

Bee Stressors

This morning as I sat eating breakfast next to a wonderful Crepe Myrtle tree in full flower and buzzing with bees, I realized that a person could find it hard to believe that bees might be an endangered species. After all, I reported here myself last March about how Colony Collapse Disorder in honey bees […]

Posted on August 28th, 2018