It was so warm in Chico a couple of weeks ago that I thought Spring had surely arrived! It reached 80ºF one day and happy people rushed outside to enjoy the unseasonably warm temperatures. But silly me! Last week the temperatures plummeted and it became cold. Icy cold. Ice on the trees cold! And nothing […]
Have you tried our new Organic Sea Salted Caramel Cashew Butter yet? It’s a delicious blend of sea salt, brown rice syrup, and organic dry roasted cashews. It’s Non-GMO Project Certified, Vegan, Wheat-free and Gluten-Free and made in our plant that does NOT process peanuts so it’s a great indulgence for your health-conscious lifestyle. . . […]
Since Valentine’s Day is coming, love is on my mind! Did you know that in ancient times almonds were believed to be an aphrodisiac? Sugared or Chocolate Almonds are used as wedding favors not just because they’re so tasty. In ancient Greece, newlyweds were gifted with almonds so they’d be blessed with children. In the Bible […]
“The almond tree is blooming And the golden sun is shining, Birds atop each roof Bless the arrival of the festival. Tu B’Shevat has arrived.” Happy Tu B’Shevat to all our Jewish friends—it’s the Jewish Birthday of the Trees! And the symbol of this holiday is the Almond Tree. In ancient times, the Jewish people […]
A friend on Facebook recently asked “Does anyone know where I can buy King Cake in New England?” She was missing her old home in New Orleans but the only answer she got was to make her own. So I became curious. What is King Cake? And why would she say it was so important […]
Happy New Year! Good-bye 2017! Just let it go and remember that every new year, every new day, really, offers the promise of a brand new start. What do you wish to create this coming year? Let me help you make your dreams come true—with holiday traditions from around the world that are thought to bring […]
Have you ever seen the illuminated manuscripts of Medieval times that depict Jesus or Mary in an oval with a somewhat pointed top and bottom? That oval has a special significance. It is called the Mandorla and it means almond in Italian! They were showing Jesus in an almond shell?!! Why? In ancient times there […]
How many of you have vegetarian family and friends coming over for Thanksgiving? No turkey? What will you serve? Well, if you like nuts, that’s easy! Vegetarian Nut Loaf is such a classic recipe for the holidays, you could call it a tradition. My first introduction to Nut Loaf didn’t feel holiday-worthy at all. It […]
I can hardly imagine a Thanksgiving without nuts. Big bowls of walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts and beechnuts to crack with nutcrackers were always present at our holiday table, a tradition that dates back to the earliest records of the holiday feast. In 1779, Juliana Smith described their celebration in a letter to her cousin Betsey. The […]
Oooh! It was cold last night. So what did I want to do? Make something yummy in the kitchen! This time it was my favorite Almond Nut Bread with Crystalized Ginger and Dates. Add some cream cheese or almond butter and a nice hot cup of tea and you’re in for a fragrant and delicious […]