There is a great deal of controversy about whether GMO products are harmful. GMOs (genetically modified organisms) are made by scientists in a laboratory by removing a gene from the DNA of another organism, (plant, animal, bacterium, or virus) and adding them into the DNA of the plant or animal they want to alter. That sounds […]
Farming is hard work, good work, important work. Today’s blog post is a celebration of farming and what we love about it. “This land pulses with life. It breathes in me; it breathes around me; it breathes in spite of me. When I walk on this land, I am walking on the heartbeat of the […]
This morning as I sat eating breakfast next to a wonderful Crepe Myrtle tree in full flower and buzzing with bees, I realized that a person could find it hard to believe that bees might be an endangered species. After all, I reported here myself last March about how Colony Collapse Disorder in honey bees […]
We’re so excited—it’s almond harvest season! And that means shaking the trees with our mechanical tree shakers – and kids having fun in the orchard while they fall all around. And the fun (and hard work) has only just begun. After the nuts are all on the ground, a sweeper will come through and sweep […]
Saturday, August 18th is National Honey Bee Day! Honey bees are the almond grower’s best friend so we need to celebrate! We bring honey bees into our almond orchards every year because every almond you eat exists only because some sweet bee pollinated an almond blossom. And the bees benefit, too! Almond blossom nectar provides […]
There once was a time when organic food was the same as “food.” Nowadays, the label “organic” is a special one. It requires USDA certification and strict adherence to not only sustainable organic farming practices but also regulates how a product is produced and stored. Products labeled “100% Organic” cannot be made or allowed to […]
One of the nice things about living in Chico, CA is how closely connected almost the entire community is to the lifecycles of our local produce. Nuts, of course, are a big deal in this area and the almond orchards draw people out to the countryside throughout the year. One of my favorite times is […]
Here at Maisie Jane’s we believe that you deserve to trust the food you buy to be as healthy as possible for you and your family. Our family has been farming for four generations and we place a great deal of importance on delivering food in the same pure and natural way it was always […]
Guess what? Yesterday was the first annual World Bee Day! The holiday is about spreading awareness of the significance of bees and came about as the result of a recently adopted UN resolution. It will be on May 20th every year which is also the birthday of Anton Janša, a teacher of apiculture and pioneer of […]
Here at Maisie Jane’s we believe in using every part of the almonds we harvest. Luckily, processing almonds is a very efficient system, leaving zero waste with all the by-products and creative uses of them. Ever since the early 60’s there has been a stable market for almond hulls to the dairy industry. This is where the […]