The Nut Blog

Nourishing The Earth, One Glass Jar at a Time

Glass vs Plastic

Embracing Sustainable Packaging As a fourth-generation almond farmer, sustainability is not just a buzzword for me. It is woven into the very fabric of my family’s legacy. At Maisie Jane’s, we understand that our responsibility to the Earth extends far beyond the boundaries of our farm. I have been blessed to see the unparalleled beauty of our Earth firsthand. […]

Posted on April 19th, 2024

Farmers and Ranchers Unified

Two men and a horse

American Farmers and Ranchers have had a long history of collaborating and working together with a few battles along the way. Back in the mid to late 1800’s conflicts between farmers and ranchers were mostly over land. The farmers who were farming the land and growing crops were frustrated with cattle stampeding and damaging their […]

Posted on April 10th, 2024

Happy National Beer Day!

Maisie's Husband, Isidro drinking the yummy red beer!

As Maisie Jane’s doesn’t promote heavy drinking, we do like to highlight some fun new ways of celebrating and enjoying a timed Country/American tradition: BEER. We want to share with you a dynamic recipe for making the perfect ‘RED BEER’ that will knock your boots off!    If you haven’t yet dived into the world […]

Posted on April 2nd, 2024

Simple and Special: A Stress-Free Easter Morning Breakfast

3 different flavors of farmhouse Biscuits, the Two English Ladies Tea, and Maisie Jane's Creme Peppermints.

Easter Morning Let’s face it, when it comes to Easter morning breakfast things can be a little hectic. At least in my family’s household, it is. It starts with the kid’s over-the-top excitement of gazing and enjoyment of all the treats in their Easter basket that the Easter bunny left them. They’ve for sure already […]

Posted on March 28th, 2024

The History behind the Easter Basket

The time-old tradition of Easter Baskets Have you ever wondered where the tradition of giving those beautifully fun-filled Easter baskets came from? It turns out the answer holds both the basket itself and the stuffers holds beautiful symbolism. Dating back to ancient cultures the tradition is said to have come from t he European Folklores, […]

Posted on March 19th, 2024

Recipe Share: Honoring Francesca-A Star Maisie Jane’s employee since 2007!

When I say, “we are family at Maisie Jane’s”, I mean it!  Many of our employees have been part of our ‘nutty family’ for most of the time that Maisie Jane’s has been in business.  For example, our wonderful Francesca who we are honoring today, National Employee Day!

Posted on February 29th, 2024

The 7 reasons you should load up on Maisie Jane’s Almonds! Last call to save big at our 25% OFF SALE in honor of National Almond Day!

The 7 reasons you should load up on Maisie Jane’s Almonds! Last call to save big at our 25% OFF SALE in honor of National Almond Day!

Posted on February 21st, 2024

Almond Legacies: A Family’s Journey from Orchard to Table

Ben Bertagna In almond orchard

Indeed, today marks National Almond Day, and we are celebrating it in a big way at Maisie Jane’s! We are kicking off our weeklong 25% OFF National Almond Day Sale. I Will provide more details on that later, but first, let me share why this day evokes wonderful emotions for me personally, and introduce you […]

Posted on February 13th, 2024

Valentine’s Day – A Time for Heart-Felt Acts of LOVE!

three images of Maisie Jane's Valentine's Day Collection - Rice Chips & Salsa | Candle Bundle | Sparkling Wine

Our gift gurus at Maisie Jane’s have been having fun putting together ‘gift bundles’ that are just perfect for all those very special people in your life.  Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be lavish, BUT let’s not forget the people that bring us the greatest joy in our lives!  Being the recipient of the smallest […]

Posted on February 6th, 2024

How to Stay on Track with Your Health Resolutions with Maisie Jane’s

woman in blue sweater holding a hand full of almonds

The start of a new year often brings with it a renewed commitment to health and wellness. Many of us make resolutions to eat better, exercise more, and prioritize our well-being. However, sticking to these resolutions can be challenging, especially when our busy lives get in the way. We’re here to help you stay on […]

Posted on January 12th, 2024