Is Organic Food Really Better for You?

Organic Orchard

There once was a time when organic food was the same as “food.” Nowadays, the label “organic” is a special one. It requires USDA certification and strict adherence to not only sustainable organic farming practices but also regulates how a product is produced and stored. Products labeled “100% Organic” cannot be made or allowed to […]

Posted on August 9th, 2018

What’s Organic at Maisie Jane’s?

USDA Organic Seal

Here at Maisie Jane’s we believe that you deserve to trust the food you buy to be as healthy as possible for you and your family. Our family has been farming for four generations and we place a great deal of importance on delivering food in the same pure and natural way it was always […]

Posted on June 28th, 2018

Natural or Organic Almond Butter?

Maisie Jane's Nut Butters

If you visit the nut butter section of our online store you’ll notice that you often have a choice between natural or organic. People sometimes say “Natural is good, right? Is something labeled “organic” really any better for you?” But we know what they really mean: “Is organic worth the price?” Great question! And, of […]

Posted on April 5th, 2018