Get the Skinny on How Almonds Can Help You Reach Your Weight Loss Goals

Posted on : January 25th, 2017

woman standing on tip toes on a weighing scaleWatching your waistline this new year? Maybe you’ve got a few extra pounds to lose or you want to revamp your whole diet, whether for weight loss or for a generally healthier lifestyle. Trying to find healthy foods and snacks that will actually help you shed extra weight can be challenging, and there’s no easy fix to losing weight. The best route for reaching your weight loss goals is being physically active and maintaining a healthy calorie-conscious diet that contains lean proteins and good fats. And this is exactly what almonds contain—lean protein and good fat.

We’re proud to say that at Maisie Jane’s we have one of the healthiest snack options that will fit right into any healthy diet and eating plan—almonds!

Here’s the skinny on how almonds can help you reach your weight loss goals:

129 calories per serving – A serving of almonds is about one ounce or 23 almonds, and only 129 calories per serving. Almonds are a low-calorie snack packed with nutrients, like fiber and protein, that benefit your overall health and weight loss.

4 grams of fiber – A serving of almonds has 4 grams of fiber which makes it a filling snack food. A good amount of fiber will satisfy your hunger and keep you feeling fuller longer. Because of this, almonds can help ward off cravings for other snacks, like chips, that don’t keep you feeling full and are made of empty calories, meaning there’s no nutritional value.

6 grams of protein – A serving of almonds has 6 grams of protein, which will also keep you feeling fuller longer, meaning you’re less likely to feel like you need to have seconds or eat again as soon. Protein is also energizing and satisfying.

Monounsaturated fats – A one-ounce serving of almonds has 13 grams of unsaturated fats. These are the good and healthy kind of fats to include in your diet. Your body needs fats to store and use for energy, to absorb other nutrients, support cell growth, and produce hormones. But your body needs “good fats” like unsaturated fats. These are the fats that help reduce extra weight and reduce belly fat.

Overall Nutrition – When compared ounce for ounce, almonds are the tree nut highest in six essential nutrients: protein (6g), fiber (4g), calcium (75mg), vitamin E (7.4mg), riboflavin (0.3mg), and niacin (1mg). They are simple to work into your diet and perfect to include in just about any eating plan. They have numerous health benefits that will support your health goals.

If you’re watching your waistline and trying to lose some extra pounds, start adding Maisie Jane’s Natural Almonds to your diet for all their weight loss and health benefits. Not only are almonds nutritious and tasty, they’re easy to pack and take with you anywhere for a quick convenient snack that will keep you on track with your health goals.

Maisie Jane’s California Sunshine Products, Inc. was founded on strong beliefs and passion for offering unique, flavorful, top-quality, almond products. We strongly believe in earth-friendly practices that start on our family owned and operated orchards. We use Organic farming practices and continue in the process by using all natural ingredients with no preservatives or GMOs. We believe in honest, friendly, and helpful customer relations at all levels. We take pride in every task, every day, with every person.

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