Need More Sleep? Eat Some Almonds!

Posted on : October 5th, 2017

Sleeping WellI recently came across a very interesting and, I’m sorry to say, quite disturbing article on sleep deprivation. Apparently, lack of sleep has become so widespread that it is considered epidemic. In fact, it’s gotten so bad that many people who actually get the recommended eight hours a night think of themselves as lazy!

Unfortunately, lack of sleep is a serious problem. According to sleep scientists, people who regularly get less than eight hours have a significantly greater risk for cancer, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s Disease and poor mental health. Inadequate sleep wreaks havoc on the immune system. It makes it difficult to get over emotional upsets, raises your blood pressure, and leads to aggressive behavior in children and higher risk of suicide in adolescents. In fact, it impairs almost every bodily process.

Almonds to the rescue!

Well, not just almonds. First you need to develop a routine of choosing to go to bed at some regular time, turn your TV, cell phone and computer off at least an hour beforehand, and find some other relaxing way to wind down from the day like meditation, drinking a nice cup of herbal tea, having a hot bath . . . and then, perhaps, a nice almond-based snack. Why? For the same reason a cup of warm milk is often recommended. Almonds are filled with tryptophan, magnesium, calcium and protein. They also contain niacin and healthy fats.


Tryptophan is an amino acid that helps you sleep because it produces two key neurotransmitters: melatonin and serotonin. Melatonin helps regulate your body’s clock and serotonin helps regulate your mood so you feel tired when it is time to sleep and are less likely to keep yourself awake with negative thoughts.


Magnesium is so necessary for a good night’s sleep that countering even a mild deficiency can feel like a miracle cure! It relaxes your muscles, helping to release insomnia-producing tension so you can more easily fall asleep. Then it increases deep slow-wave sleep, which helps you sleep longer and wake feeling more refreshed.


Calcium works hand in hand with magnesium. It also plays a role in creating deep sleep as well as increasing the amount of melatonin in your body.


Niacin is important for managing stress. It helps relieve depression and anxiety, both factors in having trouble falling asleep.

Protein and Healthy Fats

Protein and healthy fats help satisfy late night snacking cravings in a way that won’t lead to sleep-interrupting blood sugar dips later. Almonds have both of these in abundance but are low in carbs so they’re really helpful in keeping your blood sugar levels stable throughout the night.

My Favorite Midnight Snack?

Almond butter mixed with coconut cream. It’s so simple. You could use this recipe from the Living Well Mom blog or simple combine any Maisie Jane’s almond butter with coconut cream in any proportion you prefer. I don’t add any sweetener at all especially if I use our new Organic Sea Salted Dark Chocolate Almond Butter. It’s so good, you don’t need anything else!
Sleep well!

Maisie Jane’s California Sunshine Products, Inc. was founded on strong beliefs and passion for offering unique, flavorful, top-quality, nut products. We strongly believe in earth-friendly practices that start on our family owned and operated orchards. We use Organic farming practices and continue in the process by using all-natural ingredients with no preservatives or GMOs. We believe in honest, friendly and helpful customer relations at all levels. We take pride in every task, every day, with every person.